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From November 25th to 27th, HEATEC 2019 was held in Shanghai New International Expo Center. Duoblock burners, WH60.DUO-HT and WH200.DUO, which are new members of WinHeight family of this year, were presented officially for the first time. Their design, which is the perfect illustration of minimalism, as well as their eye-catching red coating and smooth shaping attracted the exhibitors and visitors to stop and take a close look.

Although the 2 burners didn’t make their first public appearance until HEATEC 2019, they have been put into use in actual projects, and have successfully passed the test of the market.

Some of the projects are as follows:

WH60.DUO-HT(Nouya New Material in Shanghai)

WH200.DUO(Toyo Ink in Tianjin)

Continue reading DUOBLOCK BURNERS WH60.DUO-HT&WH200.DUO, Hot Debut at HEATEC 2019!

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Winheight is finally happy to oficially present to the industrial world our new HOT AIR duoblock range of burners.

This burner range has been developed for those industrial application where production processes temperatures are very high and air preheaters are used to save some energy and increase the whole efficiency of the system.

Particularly suitable for thermo oil heaters and high temperature medium devices.

The range starts from 700 kW up to 10.000 kW of burnt power, and it is suitable for hot AIR up to 180 °C.

Thanks to our propietary combustion head technology we can guarantee extremely low NOx emissions with and without the external addition of FGR.

Come to discover our new range and discuss with us about your projects!

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ISH Beijing 2019 – A great success

This year more than ever our customer and people started realizing that we not jocking, our burner are performing and cutting edge, they are elegant and made by professionists.

A big thanks to our marvelous team which is always keeping high our commitment to our success!

Thanks to all the people who came to our stand and were demonstrating such big interest and appreciation on our machine!